
Don't Forget To Love, part 19 of 24

Welcome to the Single-Minded Movie Blog advent calendar. Between the 1st and the 24th of December every day will bring you a short post about a film or a TV-show you shouldn't forget to love.

Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)

Shameless self-promotion time! A few months ago I recorded an unofficial audio commentary for Young Sherlock Holmes with my fellow podcaster Dennis Rosenfeld.

The movie is from 1985. It's produced by Steven Spielberg. It features visual effects by Industrial Light and Magic. In other words, this is perfect example of a '80s movie - by now you'll have noticed that I have a certain affinity for those. The movie is also a great example of a high-concept story: How did Sherlock Holmes and Watson meet? How did they become friends? And what was their first case?

The beautiful snow-covered London setting will instantly transport you to a different time, and you'll have no trouble buying the two charming leads (Nicholas Rowe and Alan Cox), as the younger versions of the popular characters. Director Barry Levinson interjects a wonderful sense of energy into the proceedings, too bad he never did anything quite as adventurous again.

Never forget to love it. It's elementary, really.

PS: Download the commentary track on this page.

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